G-Unit Reunion/G-Unit Weekend DVD Preview featuring Young Buck, Tony Yayo, Lloyd Banks, Kidd Kidd, Charlie P, Nashvillian, Parlae, Johnny Cashville, Dj D.j. Kswift Pryme ThaDj Tree Gang , Paul Charles Photography, Cronyk Illness,Yung Gwap,Big Zo, and Club Millennium DVD release party Live at Club NV in Knoxville,TN During G-Unit.Then We Go To t Club Limelight in Nashville Cashville For Part 2 of G-Unit Weekend Weekend Interviews Young Buck, Tony Yayo,Parlae,World Wide Wayne Films,Model Toya Richardson For The 2 Pair Tate Show. FOR MOR DVD GO TO http://226filmproduction.com/shop/ OFF OF UNDER THE UNDERGROUND DVD MAGAZINE FILMED EDITED BY C-NOTE ACN ARTS AND ENT LLC 226 FILM PRODCTION UNDER THE UNDER GROUND DVD MAG 5150 THE MOVEMENT SYCOTIC STUDIO 5150 MUSIC,EAST TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE,TN KNOXVEGAS K-TOWN OR LAY DOWN GLOCKVILLE BLOCKZVILLE 865 FOR BOOKING CALL (865)-329-6916 OR (865)-919-4919
G-Unit Reunion/G-Unit Weekend DVD Preview
and Club Millennium DVD release partyBig ZoCharlie PCronyk IllnessDj D.j. Kswift Pryme ThaDj Tree GangDVD PreviewG-Unit Reunion/G-Unit Reunion/G-Unit WeekendG-Unit Reunion/G-Unit Weekend DVD PreviewJohnny CashvilleKidd KiddLloyd BanksNashvillianParlaePaul Charles PhotographyTony YayoYoung BuckYung Gwap